Enrollment is closed.

Embracing Complexity

Fostering change using systems thinking.

🗓️ Enrollment opens May 29, 2024

💻 100% Online

⏱️ Self-paced

Course enrollment is closed.

About this course

Implementation is about strategically enacting change. It's complex and challenging.

But implementation feels even more challenging in complex systems because there are so many considerations and so much uncertainty. When it comes to systems, little of what we do to change them feels strategic.

So how can we embrace this complexity and manage uncertainty?

The answer is in systems thinking.

Systems thinking has existed for decades but has only recently been tethered to implementation science and practical approaches of applying that science. It enables us to break out of our typical go-to processes for implementation and find innovative solutions.

In Embracing Complexity, we combine implementation science with systems thinking to show you how they can be a powerful duo to support you in creating meaningful change.

Structured around 5 common pain points that people experience when trying to implement in complex systems, this course teaches you how to adopt a systems thinking mindset in your implementation practice so you can be more strategic about (and more empowered to tackle!) your systems change efforts.

This course is for you if…

You're working on a complex problem in a complex system, and want to understand the different ways in which people/organizations can work more cohesively with one another

You want to be able to better visualize multiple pathways to the problem and decide on directions that will help you meet your goals

You’ve decided on a solution to implement but are having difficulty selecting change strategies because of the complexity of your solution and system

Who might benefit from this course?

We’ve embedded systems thinking into implementation science methods and offer specific guidance around how you can plan, implement, and evaluate change well in systems — regardless of which level of the system you work at and which sector you're in.

We’ve trained changemakers, researchers, students, program developers, consultants, and evaluators from a range of settings including:

Healthcare and public health organizations

Universities and research institutes

Government organizations

Labor and employment organizations

Community-based organizations

Policy organizations

Funding agencies

Philanthropic institutes

Context Compass:
A tool to help you assess context

We’re currently developing Context Compass, an interactive online tool that provides you with science-backed approaches to help you navigate contextual factors influencing your change efforts.

Embracing Complexity gives you access to the beta version — initially tested by our Implementing Change Community members. (Not a member? Join here!)

The tool can help you understand and unpack contextual factors in the system.

What’s included in Embracing Complexity?

💡 2 introductory modules that provide foundational knowledge on implementation pathways and systems thinking

🎯 5 modules that offer practical guidance on 5 common pain points of implementing in systems

📚 Content we’ve developed that specifically embeds systems thinking into implementation science approaches.

⚙️ A collection of 5 expertly developed and curated sets of tools and templates that guide you through different concepts to move you towards action, such as:

  • Unpacking complex problems: The multiple pathways approach

  • Understanding roles in the implementation system using network mapping approaches

  • Defining and understanding change in complex initiatives and systems

⏺️ Recorded scenarios where we discuss concepts using example contexts

📝 Learning content in various formats such as video, audio, fillable templates, and interactive activities so you can creatively approach systems thinking and make connections to apply concepts

📖 Self-reflective and action-oriented assignments to help you identify what you've learned and how you’ll use it in your systems change efforts

📓 PDF workbooks with key takeaways, assignments, and space to record reflections and notes

📚 Recommended readings and additional resources

💬 Direct communication with us to answer your questions as you move through the content

👥 Networking opportunities with other participants

🎓 Certificate of completion after successfully completing the course and assignments

➡️ Once enrolled, you can access all materials until August 1, 2025. This means you can move through the content at your own pace and revisit it whenever you’d like to

Throughout this course you will…

  • Unpack incredibly complex concepts in very practical ways

  • Get actionable tools and templates you can pick up and use immediately with your team for implementation planning and evaluation

  • Have the opportunity to explore systems thinking in real time with TCI's experts and other professionals working in implementation

Embracing Complexity is focused on providing you with valuable guidance to support your implementation efforts at the systems level. While it isn’t a comprehensive course on systems thinking, it will help you take apart and analyze very common challenges people face in implementation using a systems thinking mindset and approaches.

See what past course participants are saying

  • “I can't stop telling anyone who will listen how important and helpful the content of this course (and your other courses) is! I will use this in so many aspects of my professional life to support a huge variety of changes and it has sparked some new ideas for me regarding potential programs of research to explore integrating this knowledge as a critical part of planning for success.”

    - Lauren Hutton

  • "I just finished Embracing Complexity and learned so much in this course. Systems thinking is not easy to explain and you made it very practical and applicable. Everything was very well designed from the training structure, selection of readings, to assignments and examples. I also appreciated the time to complete the modules — it was just the right amount of study alongside a full-time job. I feel like I gained a new perspective on my job!"

    - Heidi Diepstra

Module overview

Course enrollment is closed.

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Course schedule

This course is 100% online and asynchronous. This means that you can learn whenever and wherever you want to!

We’ve synthesized complex concepts into video and audio recordings that are short and easy to digest so you can take action in the real world right away.

Immediately after registering, you’ll have access to Module 0 (Implementation Foundations) and Module 1 (Laying the Groundwork: Implementation and Systems Thinking).

You’ll then be given access to a new module each week to help spread out the material, but we can provide you with access to all modules if you’d like.

📅 Key dates

  • Enrollment is open May 29 – Jun. 18, 2024

  • ➡️ All module content and group session recordings will be accessible until August 1, 2025.

Meet your instructors

"I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to deal with the uncertainty of working in the chaos of complex systems. I also know that implementation can make so much more sense when adopting a systems thinking mindset. I hope you take this journey with us to explore and learn how systems thinking can help you overcome important challenges."

- Dr. Sobia Khan

"I cannot believe how much learning about systems thinking has transformed how I approach implementation support. I once believed this was an adjacent field relevant for some people doing implementation, but now recognize how integral a systems thinking approach is to all change initiatives.

- Dr. Julia E. Moore

Implementation Support Specialist Certificate

If you’re interested in becoming a Certified Level 2 Implementation Support Specialist, this course counts towards the Level 2 requirements.

Note: Level 2 certification is currently in development.

Enroll as a team or organization!

We highly recommend a collaborative approach to building implementation capacity within your organization.

Participating in shared sensemaking of course content as a team and collectively determining how to move forward using what you’ve learned strengthens how implementation unfolds.

Completing this training as a team helps you:

  • Transform how you create change by establishing a shared understanding and skillset of concepts, terminology, tools, and processes

  • Become more engaged and connected (for example, you can discuss the training content together and set up periodic meetings to share thoughts and reflections)

  • Improve communication and focus by moving towards your goals with a shared vision and direction

Advantages of joining as a group

Special discounts based on your number of team members

Opportunity to select your start date for the course at any time of the year

Add-ons like facilitation guides, Q&A sessions, workshops, and other types of support

Have a discount code?

Discounts are available for past TCI course participants, Implementing Change Community members (join anytime!), full-time students, groups of 3+ employees from the same organization, participants in LMICs, and Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) members.

Free spots available for participants in LMICs

In an effort to support capacity building in applying implementation science in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), we offer 20 spots for eligible professionals and graduate students to enroll in Embracing Complexity for free.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, apply to be entered into the draw for 1 of the 20 free spots.

Applications are due June 9, 2024

Frequently asked questions

  • This course assumes you have foundational knowledge of how to design and implement initiatives and that you’re trying to implement them in complex systems.

  • You can approach this course based on what's best for your schedule. As soon as you enroll, you'll have access to 2 foundational modules to start you off.

    Then you’ll be given access to a new module each week to help spread out the material, but we can provide you with access to all modules if you’d like.

    You're welcome to move through the course on your own schedule and attend the optional group sessions if your availability allows; alternatively, you can view the recordings of the group sessions whenever it's most convenient for you.

    The course and all materials will be accessible to you until Aug. 1, 2025.

  • If you complete all modules and assignments prior to the end of your course access period (Aug. 1, 2025) you’ll receive a course completion certificate.

  • You will continue to have access to all online content until Aug. 1, 2025.

  • We anticipate it to be about 3-4 hours per module, and there are 7 modules.

    For each module, we estimate setting aside approximately 1-2 hours to move through the main content. This includes watching the instructional videos (which are usually less than 7 minutes long), listening to the podcasts, looking through the supplemental materials, and time for taking notes and writing reflections. (Note: We’ve synthesized complex concepts into video and audio recordings that are short and easy to digest so you can take action in the real world right away.)

    You may also want to spend 1-2 hours working on the assignments and reading through recommended resources. The assignments are about directly relating the content back to your own work; therefore, how much time can be quite variable depending on how much background work you choose to do. In terms of the readings, it’s up to you how many you’d like to read!

  • Implementation, Spread, and Scale introduces the foundational concepts from implementation science that relate to how we actually implement, spread, and scale initiatives. This includes examining readiness and context, implementation teams and supports, adaptations, and sustainability.

    In Embracing Complexity, we take things further by showing you different approaches that you can use to understand complex problems and to overcome implementation challenges specifically for change efforts at the systems level.

  • Yes! Embracing Complexity will count towards the requirements for the Level 2 Implementation Support Specialist certification which is currently in development.

    If you’re interested in becoming certified, please note that the Level 1 Implementation Support Specialist certification must be completed before moving on to Level 2. Learn more about our certificate program.

  • Yes, we aim to make Embracing Complexity accessible to everyone. We offer the following discounts (one per person):

    Please see the “Have a discount code?” section above for how to get your code.

  • Embracing Complexity is offered every May/June.

Still wondering if this course is right for you?

We encourage you to register if any of these apply to you:

  • You find it difficult to wrap your head around evaluating system change efforts because of their complexity

  • You want to stop feeling overwhelmed when assessing the problem

  • You want to learn how to measure what is happening in more flexible and adaptive ways

  • You want to understand more deeply what makes the system ready for change and advocate for policies and contexts that enable change to enhance your efforts

Have any questions?
Contact us.

Join us starting May 29, 2024!

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    I also want to receive the monthly Implementation in Action bulletin and announcements about TCI's courses & events.

    Interested in getting a sense of our teaching style?

    Enroll in Inspiring Change 2.0, our free mini-course on the foundations of implementation science, or watch the recording of our free virtual workshops on Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation!