
We regularly hold free virtual events to explore topics that are top-of-mind to changemakers worldwide. If you weren’t able to attend live, sign up below to get the recording and additional resources!

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Upcoming events

Map2Adapt Tool: Planning for Adaptations Proactively

April 24, 2025 from 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM ET | Convert to your time zone

At this free virtual event, we’ll walk you through our free interactive Map2Adapt tool, which is based on a process model we’ve been work on.

Past events

Unlocking Implementation Functions: What’s In The Works at TCI

September 10, 2024

At this event, we shared our latest thinking on implementation functions, including the new list we're developing, and where we're headed with this work.

TCI’s Core Competencies Release Party: Elevating Implementation Support Practitioners

June 4, 2024

This fun and informative event elevated the role of Implementation Support Practitioners and marked the release our NEW set of core competencies!

    Cultiv8 Collaboration:
    Fostering Change Through Trust and Power

    January 23, 2024

    At this event, we introduced the Cultiv8 tool — an interactive collection of actionable strategies to help you build trusting relationships and navigate power dynamics effectively.

      Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation Part II

      October 3, 2023

      As a follow-up to our highly attended 2021 event, we hosted Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation Part II to share our updated set of equity guiding questions and ignite conversations, foster reflection, and inspire action towards more inclusive and just practices.

        Everything Everywhere All at Once: Navigating
        Context With the Context Compass Framework

        June 6, 2023

        In this free 90-minute interactive event, we showcased our latest innovation, the Context Compass Framework.

          Harnessing our collective power

          May 11, 2023

          In this 90-min event co-hosted with the Collaborative for Implementation Practice, we explored big-picture thoughts about the potential we see for the future of implementation practice — including how you and other changemakers can be a massive force for equitable change around the world.

          Non-Academic Careers With Impact: Implementation Positions You Never Knew Existed

          November 29, 2022

          A free 1-hour virtual event where we introduced you to the wide range of career options in implementation support — roles where you lead and support change efforts, helping professionals use the latest research evidence to maximize their impact.

            StrategEase Event: A Free Tool for Changemakers

            September 20, 2022

            Stemming from evidence-based implementation and our experiences over the last 7 years working on 100+ projects, we developed StrategEase into a visual pathway, a comprehensive course, and a soon-to-be-released interactive online tool for changemakers all over the world. In this free event, we celebrated all things StrategEase — the release of our new interactive online tool and the launch of our online course.

              Change Journeys: Exploring the Implementation, Spread, and Scale Pathway

              March 10, 2022

              In this free virtual workshop, we explored the components of the Implementation, Spread, and Scale Pathway, the lack of role clarity in the implementation system, equity considerations when assessing readiness, and the importance of planning for sustainability (and tools you can use to help you plan).

                Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation

                September 21, 2021

                In this free virtual workshop, we introduced you to multiple perspectives that show you how to approach equity in implementation and get closer to embodying these essential principles for real-life impact.

                  Taking Risks, Building Trust, and Learning from Failure

                  January 14 & 19, 2021

                  In this 90-min webinar, we showed you ways to reframe risk-taking, particularly when working in environments that are risk-averse, the factors that affect trust and techniques on how to build trust, and examples of implementation failures and our lessons learned.