Strategic Operations Advisor


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Dr. Jonathan A. Caballero


Jonathan A. Caballero is a cognitive scientist who has specialized in human communication and social decision-making. He received his PhD from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and then joined McGill University as a postdoctoral researcher. In these two institutions, he conducted research on language perception and interpersonal decision-making, and developed methodologies that allow studying social communication in basic and applied contexts, such as intercultural communication. Throughout his career, he has developed a keen interest in translating scientific knowledge into concrete benefits for society.

In addition to his research interests, Dr. Caballero has taken part in nationwide program evaluation initiatives in the fields of education and public health; supported collaborations between universities and organizations in the industry and non-profit sectors; provided research administration support for inclusive healthcare access projects; and involved in science communication activities. He joins the TCI team with a sharp interest in supporting the success of implementation projects aiming to improve people’s lives by putting scientific knowledge from diverse disciplines into practice.