Implementation support
We design custom implementation support packages to fit your organization’s specific needs. This service can include a range of deliverables — thoughtfully combined to meet your intended outcomes.
We’ll work together over a set period to help you build internal capacity for using implementation science to design, implement, spread, and scale your initiatives.
Consider implementation support if:
You want guidance and recommendations specific to your change initiative
You’re interested in having implementation guides, roadmaps, and/or tools to guide different groups involved in your initiative toward success.
You’re looking for an outside expert to facilitate and navigate conversations among people who might have conflicting views
We tend to work with people who are looking to define their initiative/scope of change, build capacity to support implementation in the system, or who are aiming to scale up their implementation support.
Our approach
Our approach to supporting implementation, particularly if you have multiple implementation projects and/or groups that are spreading and scaling, is based on the evidence-based system for innovation support (EBSIS) framework.
This framework highlights that in order to support implementation, teams need tools, training, coaching (i.e., technical assistance), and high-quality implementation.
Based on a discussion of your strengths and opportunities, we will collaboratively select the types of supports that are best suited for your organization.
We can support you at any stage of implementation and guide you towards achieving your goals with greater ease. We will help to ensure that your organization is not only implementing evidence, but also implementing that evidence in an evidence-based way to increase the likelihood of your intended outcomes.
Facilitated Implementation
Planning Sessions
We can also directly guide your team through the essential process of implementation planning in a series of facilitated sessions.
Guided by our implementation pathways and best practices in implementation science, we can walk your team through a step-by-step process to help you clearly define the change you want to make, who needs to do what differently, and which strategies will be most effective to achieve your goals.
These sessions begin with ensuring that everyone has a shared vision and understanding of the values and outcomes of your initiative through shared sensemaking activities. Then we move into sessions that dive deeper into important planning steps for implementation.
In our experience, teams make deeper progress in these sessions when they have foundational training in implementation. As these sessions are not instructional, we recommend getting trained through our online courses if your team is new to implementation.
Following each facilitated implementation planning session, we provide a report containing items such as:
A summary of observations from the session
Recommendations for next steps
Considerations for your team
Suggestions for additional tools (e.g., a specific sustainability planning tool or readiness assessment)
Resources and references (for future reading or for publication purposes)
After all sessions are completed, we provide an overall recommendations report to help support you even further.
Get in touch with us to see if this could be exactly what your team needs.
Case study
Curious to see what an implementation support package can look like? Here’s a case study.
Over the course of 8 months, we provided an organization that was supporting 53 project teams
with a suite of implementation supports focused on planning for sustainability.
TOOLS | We created a sustainability planning toolkit that included what sustainability is and why it’s important; evidence-based suggestions for planning for sustainability; tools and resources that teams could use for sustainability planning; and a section about sustainability in the academic context for those interested in publishing on this topic.
We also created a sustainability planning template. Teams were asked to complete the information in the template so they could assess and monitor factors that affect sustainability and build their sustainability plan to address these factors. This template helped teams track valuable data over time in one place.
TRAINING | We also included access to our signature online courses, StrategEase: The HOW of Creating Sustainable Change, and Implementation, Spread, and Scale to provide teams with foundational training on how to utilize and apply key concepts in implementation science.
We also provided 2 interactive deep-dive workshops (delivered in English and French) on sustainability and adaptations, the two topics they wanted to explore in greater depth.
COACHING | Teams were invited to attend 5 coaching sessions. These sessions were participant-directed: At each session, 1 to 2 teams shared a challenge they were experiencing and all participants brainstormed possible directions and solutions, facilitated and supported by TCI staff. These sessions wrapped up with an open Q&A.
IMPLEMENTATION QUALITY | To support high-quality implementation, TCI worked closely with the central team to help them provide feedback on the sustainability plans that each team submitted. First, TCI created resources containing: 1) common challenges and missed opportunities related to sustainability planning; and 2) key questions for the planning team to consider when reviewing sustainability plans. Using these resources, the central team drafted feedback for each sustainability plan. Then TCI reviewed and commented on their suggestions before the feedback was shared with the teams.
Are you looking for an implementation collaborator for your grant?
We receive many requests to partner on grants! Our goal is to build capacity and empower teams to lead implementation work on their own. If you’re interested in having The Center for Implementation involved in your grant, please email us.