Equity guiding questions
About the questions
These guiding questions were created to help all of us reflect on equity in different ways throughout each implementation action or activity.
We developed them by reflecting on our own equity practice, performing a review of the literature, and having important discussions with people in the field.
We’ve simplified these guiding questions since first releasing them in 2021 to facilitate better discussion and understanding (and also added new questions based on what we’ve been hearing from changemakers!).
How to use them
Use the questions for self-reflection and with your team to help you consider equity at every stage of the implementation process.
Below you can click on the buttons under each pathway or level of the iceberg to see all questions.
Looking for a PDF version? Sign up for free access to the recording of our virtual event, Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation Part II, and receive a PDF of the questions plus additional resources.

Learn more about how we developed these equity guiding questions and how to apply them in your work
Watch the recordings of Practical Guidance for Embodying Equity in Implementation — two free virtual events we held about equitable implementation — and receive additional resources!
Sign up to access Part I (September 2021) and Part II (October 2023).
How to cite this work
We ask that you provide citations in writing (not just verbally).
If using this resource in a publication, please include this citation:
Khan, S., & Moore, J. E. (2023). Equity Guiding Questions. The Center for Implementation. Retrieved from https://thecenterforimplementation.com/equity-guiding-questions
For a presentation or any other grey literature, include “pulled from The Center for Implementation” or “adapted from The Center for Implementation” on each item (e.g., every slide that references our content).