Harnessing our collective power:
Building a strong implementation support workforce for improved and equitable outcomes
Thursday, May 11, 2023 | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM ET | Virtually on Zoom (Convert to your time zone)
In this event co-hosted with the Collaborative for Implementation Practice, we explored big-picture thoughts about the potential we see for the future of implementation practice — including how you and other changemakers can be a massive force for equitable change around the world.
Meet the speakers
Executive Director
Implementation Associate
Director of Implementation
In this event we explored:
Our experiences providing implementation support and how they’ve shaped our shared vision for the future
The competencies that honor the vital role of implementation support practitioners, and the importance of focusing on how they can be built
How we can join together by harnessing our collective power to build a workforce that is equipped and supported to create meaningful change
Watch the recording!
Implementation science is the scientific study of methods and strategies that facilitate the uptake of evidence-based practice and research into regular use by practitioners and policymakers.
The field of implementation science seeks to systematically close the gap between what we know and what we do (often referred to as the know-do gap) by identifying and addressing the barriers that slow or halt the uptake of proven health interventions and evidence based practices.
Source: https://impsciuw.org/implementation-science/learn/implementation-science-overview/
Implementation support practitioners are professionals supporting others in implementing evidence-informed practices, policies and programs, and in sustaining and scaling evidence for population impact. They are not involved in direct service delivery or management and work closely with the leadership and staff needed to effectively deliver direct clinical, therapeutic or educational services to individuals, families and communities.Source: https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-020-05145-1
Core Competencies for Implementation Support Practitioners – UNC School of Social Work, National Implementation Research, European Implementation Collaborative and Centre for Effective Services: https://cippro.wpengine.com/resources/implementation-support-practitioner-competencies/
Core Competencies for Implementation Practice — The Center for Implementation (please note this document is being updated, and a revised version will be released soon): https://thecenterforimplementation.com/toolbox/core-competencies
Learn more about the Implementation Support Specialist certificate program offered by The Center for Implementation: https://thecenterforimplementation.com/certificate-program (Applications for the Level 1 certification are open year-round.)
Learn more about the Certificate Program in Implementation Practice offered by the Collaborative for Implementation Practice: https://implementationpractice.org/certificate
The Center for Implementation (TCI)
For those who mentioned wanting resources that are tangible, easy-to-understand, and that aren’t academic, TCI’s toolbox could be helpful to you: https://thecenterforimplementation.com/toolbox
For greater connection and support for your implementation work, consider joining TCI’s online community of changemakers: the Implementing Change Community. Learn more here: https://thecenterforimplementation.com/community
You can also learn more about TCI’s comprehensive online training here: https://thecenterforimplementation.com/online-training
Collaborative for Implementation Practice
Recordings and resources for previous Institute on Implementation Practice events can be accessed here: https://implementationpractice.org/events/
Additional tools, publications, blogs and podcasts are available here: https://implementationpractice.org/resources/
The CIP team had the privilege of co-editing a special supplement to the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled Bringing Equity to Implementation, which includes eight case studies detailing how implementation science was explicitly used to advance equity. The open-source supplement can be accessed here: https://ssir.org/supplement/bringing_equity_to_implementation
A corresponding Equitable Implementation Guide is also available here: https://implementationpractice.org/resources/centering-equity-in-your-work-a-guide-for-equitable-implementation/
The NIRN Active Implementation Hub has freely available online modules here: https://nirn.fpg.unc.edu/ai-hub
The Society for Implementation Research Collaboration (SIRC) is creating spaces for implementation support practitioners to come together with implementation researchers; learn more here: https://societyforimplementationresearchcollaboration.org/network-of-expertise/practitioner-networks-of-expertise-home/