Refund Policy

To ensure transparency and mutual understanding, please take a moment to review our refund policy:

Confirm Your Order Details

Before completing your payment, we kindly encourage you to double-check all details, including the application of any discount/promotion codes.

Refund Requests for Course Discount Oversights

Refund requests due to a missing discount code will be honored for courses (excluding certificate program registrations) within 14 days of the order date. A $20 processing fee per course will apply.

Please note: Full refunds are not available due to the digital nature of our courses.

Course Transfers

Payments made for a course cannot be transferred or reallocated to another course or our certificate program unless an agreement is made prior to payment.

Certificate Program

All sales for our certificate program are final and non-refundable. Once payment has been received, funds cannot be credited or reallocated.


  1. Refunds outside of these terms may be considered in rare and exceptional circumstances. Our team will carefully review each situation to determine the best possible resolution.

  2. If you have enrolled as part of a group under a separate agreement, the terms and conditions specified in that agreement will apply.

We appreciate your understanding of this policy. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us. We’re happy to help.