Implementation Equation
The Implementation Equation (adapted from the National Implementation Research Network ) says that in order to achieve significant outcomes, you need: an evidence-based WHAT, change strategies (HOW), an enabling context and high implementation quality. They are the product, not the sum, of each other because if any of these components are zero, then you can't reach your outcomes!
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Image specifications
Image adapted from “Active Implementation Formula” by National Implementation Research Network (NIRN)
Image development by Dr. Julia E. Moore
Image design by Valentina Gastaldo
How to cite this image (APA Style)
Implementation Equation. Adapted from DiCenso, A. (2009). Accessing preappraised evidence: fine-tuning the 5S model into a 6S model. Annals of Internal Medicine, 151(6), JC3. Image adapted by The Center for Implementation, © 2023. Version: V2024.01.