Interactive Systems Framework (ISF)

The Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) is a conceptual model that describes three interconnected systems (i.e., the synthesis and translation system, the support system, and the behavior change system) that work together to promote the adoption, implementation, and sustainability of evidence-based initiatives in real-world settings. The framework helps people think about roles in the implementation system.


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Image specifications

Image adapted from “Bridging the gap between prevention research and practice: the interactive systems framework for dissemination and implementation” by Abraham Wandersman, et al.

Image concept and development by Drs. Julia E. Moore and Sobia Khan

Image design by Valentina Gastaldo

How to cite this image (APA Style)

Interactive Systems Framework (ISF). (2021). Adapted from "Bridging the gap between prevention research and practice: the interactive systems framework for dissemination and implementation," by Wandersman, A., Duffy, J., Flaspohler, P., et al., 2008, American Journal of Community Psychology, 41(3-4), 171–181. Copyright by The Center for Implementation.




Implementation, Spread, and Scale Pathway (ISS)